Black Gold Home-Based School



Welcome to Black Gold Home-Based School

What can Black Gold Home-Based School do for you?

  • Provide information on Parent Directed programming for grades 1-12
  • Provide information on flexible Teacher Directed programming for grades 1-9
  • Provide course work that gives the student up to a school year to complete (September to June)
  • Provide programs that coordinate with your Black Gold School
  • Provide remedial or challenge courses
  • Provide assistance in transitioning between programs

We offer flexible programming in the form of:

Parent Directed Home Education

Shared Responsibility

Teacher Directed asynchronous Learning Programs

“We are working every day with students and families individually to inspire success.”

View this link: Black_Gold_Home-Based_School_Information _Presentation_ 

Parent Directed Home Education

Alberta families have the choice to fully educate their children within the environment of the home. This program allows parents to choose curriculum, supervise student studies, choose instructional strategies and evaluate learning. Parents are provided with the choice to follow Alberta Education curriculum or meet the General Learning Outcomes as outlined in the Alberta School Act.

Black Gold School Division provides a facilitator who will work with your family to create the best learning conditions for your child. The facilitator fills legal obligations of meeting with families, assisting in the creation of learning plans and providing support as the school year goes on. Black Gold School Division is supportive of parents who choose to be responsible for their child’s learning and we work to respond to the needs expressed by the parent.

  • Please note: A minimum of two meetings per year with the Program Coordinator are required. Meetings can be onsite or online.

Below is the Alberta Education link to the Home Education Handbook. This is an excellent resource to develop understanding of the regulations and requirements of Home Education.

Home Education Handbook 2023

Shared Responsibility

Students take some courses through a Teacher Directed learning Program where students work through 1-3 core courses and the other programming is planned and delivered by the parent.  Shared Responsibility learning requires an approved education plan, collection and submission of work samples and meeting with the coordinator throughout the year.

Teacher Directed Home-Based Learning Program

Black Gold School Division understands the importance of providing flexible programming to enhance student success. Through Teacher Directed Learning, students are provided with the opportunity to work with teachers from Black Gold School Division. Flexibility is the key component of this program and a student can complete course work at any time of the day, from any location. Students can choose to complete an entire grade through Teacher Directed Learning or take one course.  Students who choose a Teacher Directed program might be involved in high-level athletics, travelling, or find they work best away from classroom distraction.  We work to create programs that meet the academic needs of our students in whatever environment provides for the optimum physical and emotional environment.

Students have the option of taking regular Alberta Curriculum in English.

If your child is currently attending a Black Gold School and you are interested in a blended program, please talk with your school administrator about flexible program options for your child.

View the Summary Comparison Chart of the Home-Based Programs