Black Gold Home-Based School


  • ADLC – 60 Day Stall

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    60 Days Stalled

    ADLC has implemented its 60 day stall process. This means that any student who submitted an assignment and then followed up with no work for two months (60 days) has the potential to be withdrawn from their course.

    During this implementation phase, students who would have been withdrawn for a 60-day stall have received a notification last night that they have 10 days to have an assignment submitted AND marked or they WILL be withdrawn from their course. You may want to check with your students to see who might have gotten such a notification.

    Students who did receive such a notification can easily address this situation by submitting an assignment after the weekend (on Monday) as that will give time for this submission to be marked.

    In the future, ADLC will be looking to reduce the stall window in order to encourage regular submission and assessment of student work.

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